Friday 13 May 2011


Smoothing Resurfacing Primer
i really want to try this new primer, the problem with my skin is it's got a very uneven skin tone, my cheeks especially are much redder then the rest of my face and i try to cover up all my freckles to a minimum, so i like a matte flawless look all over when i apply my foundation
it never seems to last with just my foundation, so i want to give this a go
anyone used it before?
i will be trying it out soon, but always best to get some reviews first

Tuesday 10 May 2011


Recently i've been thoroughly looking forward to getting paid so i can afford those new sexy shoes we all call Toms.
I just think they're absolutely great.
It's unbelievable how many outfits i've already started planning in my head, but because they're so many i can't chose which things best suit me!i've tried polyvore, which is amazing btw! Polyvore is a great website for putting together outfits without having to switch from clothing website to clothing website. I'm hooked on it.
Will definitely keep everyone posted on when i get them and what outfits i did in the end actually put them with!